Newspaper Worknight

This was ridiculously hard to shoot. I didn't have a flash and neither did Sydney who was shooting with me. Of course I forgot about the popup flash, I really need to stop forgetting about that in the last resort situations. Since Pott's room is so dark all the time, Sydney told me to run up my ISO a ton. 
ISO: 3200

This was the well lit part of her room. He was sitting directly under a light. I really like how this is exposed. It bothers me that other people can't really tell what he's doing. Obviously, he's typing on a computer, but it probably would've been better if I could've gotten over him a little more or from the side, to show that he was typing. 

ISO: 3200

I praise myself on "getting dirty" for this shot. I had to climb between the macs in her room to shoot the people (everyone) on the computers. This still isn't exactly great, but it's extremely hard to get usable images of people on a computer. There's nothing interesting going on, but it's my job to make it look good. Obviously, I suck at that. Because this was so high on ISO, it's really noisy. 


  1. it is ok to slow your shutter speed down to 1/30 sec on shots like these. This will allow you to drop your ISO so the images won't be as noisy! I applaud your creativity, but remember higher ISO means lots more noise. Slow that shutter speed and get that ISO closer to 800.


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