Blood Drive
ISO: 4000
I thought this picture was good because it was something different. Besides seeing people being stuck with needles, people are sitting, waiting, reading, and being checked in. Although these may not be the most interesting aspects of the blood drive, I tried to capture these as well. My black subject is exposed properly, and I'm very proud of that. You can tell who it is, and you can also ready the pamphlet.
ISO: 4000
This was one of the only reaction faces I got. I talked with the subject while she was being prepped and asked if this was her first time giving blood. She said yes, and that she was terrified because she didn't want it to hurt. I was told that I wasn't allowed to shoot while the needle was being inserted, but do whatever it takes, right? If I had actually followed rules, this picture wouldn't be here, and I'm quite proud of it. Like the first subject, she is exposed properly even with a white shirt on. While editing these, I had to worry about background first so I drug down my histogram, and used the brush tool to lighten the exposure up on the subject, that way she popped.
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