
Showing posts from October, 2013

Music Man Rehearsal

ISO: 1000 APERTURE: 2.8 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/50 This was the worst assignment on the face of the Earth. Who wants to shoot in the theatre with the lights on anyways? It's ridiculously hard. My flash didn't do anything for me at all. There was no point in having it since there were so many different types of lighting in the theatre. I used my 17-50, but I ended up having to run my ISO up extremely high, so my pictures were noisy. I switched and used to 50 millimeter, but then it bothered me that I couldn't zoom, so I did a lot of running around. I liked this picture because of the pose. Leah is framed in the middle. I don't like that the lights are directly behind everyone and that she isn't centered between them. I tried to straighten the picture in Lightroom, but for some reason this is how it kept turning out. This is one of the only picture that didn't end up with a lot of motion blur because of such a slow shutter speed. Shutter speeds below 1/250 mak...

High Key

I have done high key for the second time now. This time I took notes on how to set up everything and how to change settings so I will be able to do it in the future.  ISO: 200 APERTURE: 10 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/60 DJ is obviously of darker skin. It wasn't very hard trying to get him to show up on a white background. The problem I had with him was editing like most of my high key pictures. First, I worried about getting the white background as white as possible by looking at the RGB percentages and getting them as close to 100% as possible. Then, I went back and worried about getting detail back into DJ. After that was finished I went back and brought up the exposure on the hulk mask so it pops more. It bugs me because I know that his elbow is snipped off slightly, but to others it may not appear that way. That's just my pet peeve since I took the picture and noticed it.   ISO: 200 APERTURE: 11 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/60 Sabrina is definitely not naked. I too...

Cross Country

ISO: 250 APERTURE: 3.5 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/3200 Cross country was hard to shoot because you have to know the layout of the race before it actually starts. This course went through woods and different lightings, so I was constantly changing my settings which was horrible. I had to run with the bigma and a monopod to try and set up in front of the crowds before the students ran by. I basically had to know when the last texas high student ran by to run to the next spot in front of all these crazy parents and students in the mud then rush to change settings and test them in time to get our students. It sucked because running with the bigma is not fun or smart. This picture was perfect because I was able to sit right behind the finish line and wait on everyone to come running by and get their cards. The sun was perfect. Not too bright or too dark. (A problem I ran into in the woods were shadows.) I love ths picture because you can see all Grant's veins in his neck and it almost ...


ISO: 1000 APERTURE: 4.0 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/8000 I shot tennis a while back. I love Charlie's expression. The ball isn't fuzzy either! When I saw that I could get my Shutter Speed up to 1/8000 I nearly cried tears of joy. Getting your shutter speed above 1/250 is like Christmas to me. Shooting tennis was hard because you have to anticipate who's gonna get the ball. I don't like that you can kind of see Charlie's underwear, or that he kind of looks like he's looking at the camera. It's hard focusing on the person hitting the ball. Half the time I just point it at a person for a whole match and shoot them so that I didn't have to guess who was gonna get the ball. It would've been awesome if I could've gotten a tighter shot, or if the background blurred a ton. I feel pretty alright with my first time shooting tennis. 

Club Day

ISO: 1000 APERTURE: 2.8 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/125 So, I couldn't really get in the way shooting club picture day. I couldn't decide if I wanted to use a flash or not. I didn't for this picture. I like the rule of thirds. There's not a lot to this picture. There was nothing spectacular about club picture day. I came out with a lot of crap because we played around a bunch. The multi is lighted super funky so its hard setting- wise and for color correcting. There wasn't a lot going on except Josh shooting the small stand and whoever shooting the small stand and Sabrina yelling at the big stand while Carlie wrote on a clip board. The ATPI stuff at lunch was really helpful and I'm glad we could use that time.

Newspaper Worknight

This was ridiculously hard to shoot. I didn't have a flash and neither did Sydney who was shooting with me. Of course I forgot about the popup flash, I really need to stop forgetting about that in the last resort situations. Since Pott's room is so dark all the time, Sydney told me to run up my ISO a ton.  ISO: 3200 APERTURE: 4.0 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/125 This was the well lit part of her room. He was sitting directly under a light. I really like how this is exposed. It bothers me that other people can't really tell what he's doing. Obviously, he's typing on a computer, but it probably would've been better if I could've gotten over him a little more or from the side, to show that he was typing.  ISO: 3200 APERTURE: 2.8 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/250 I praise myself on "getting dirty" for this shot. I had to climb between the macs in her room to shoot the people (everyone) on the computers. This still isn't exactly great, but it's...


This biology lab was really fun to shoot. It was interesting watching what was going on which made it all the more fun to shoot. I could get weird angles and things. ISO: 800 APERTURE: 2.8 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/250 I like this picture because what Lindsey is doing is the main focus and subject of the picture. You can clearly see what is happening, but on the other hand, you can tell who Lindsey is without her being the main focus and attention. I thought it was a nice balance.  ISO: 800 APERTURE: 2.8 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/160 I love this picture because of Madeline's facial expressions, but there's a couple things I don't like. First of all I tried getting weird angles, but I ended up shooting at the ceiling which is usually always a ad idea. Now Joe has a light shining out of his face. I don't know if its a big deal or not, but I don't like how the teacher's hand is cut out. It's just a floating hand out of focus and out of nowhere. I do lik...


ISO: 1000 APERTURE: 2.8 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/160 I hated shooting homecoming. I'm so glad you only have to do it once as a junior. I'm pretty sure I messed everything up possible. My pictures were underexposed and super noisy. I felt rushed with only 15 minutes to shoot. It was sooo hard trying to find people that weren't bumping and grinding or looking at the camera and throwing up gang signs. I tried to shoot into the crowd blindly, but that didn't work out too well.  This picture is my miracle. It's at least something. It would've been a way better shot if somehow, even in a dress, I could've laid on the ground and shot up in the circle that way you could see people. I don't know what I would've done with my flash if I did that.  At one point I tried to turn off my flash and get silhouettes, but that TOTALLY did not work out the way I expected it to. 

The Importance of Being Earnest

ISO: 1600 APERTURE: 6.3 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/100 This picture was taken up from the catwalks the second day I shot the play. The blacks all run together and there is no detail. It's a mud pit. The only thing I like is the angle. I hate everything else.  ISO: 1600 APERTURE: 6.3 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/100 I swear half of my Earnest pictures were deleted. I took this the first night of shooting. This was the ending pose for the second act. I wanted to get the whole stage setup in a picture after getting this one and it was too late. So, having went back a second night in order to shoot, I knew exactly what I wanted and where to be inorder to get it. The second night I focused on being on the catwalks in centerstage for majority of the shots. I got a much better shot of this from center of the room with the entire stage in the frame. The subjects sitting at the table were out of focus, but the girls behind the door were in focus. This was my favorite picture from the enti...

Blood Drive

ISO: 4000 APERTURE: 3.5 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/100 I thought this picture was good because it was something different. Besides seeing people being stuck with needles, people are sitting, waiting, reading, and being checked in. Although these may not be the most interesting aspects of the blood drive, I tried to capture these as well. My black subject is exposed properly, and I'm very proud of that. You can tell who it is, and you can also ready the pamphlet.  ISO: 4000 APERTURE: 3.5 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/100 This was one of the only reaction faces I got. I talked with the subject while she was being prepped and asked if this was her first time giving blood. She said yes, and that she was terrified because she didn't want it to hurt. I was told that I wasn't allowed to shoot while the needle was being inserted, but do whatever it takes, right? If I had actually followed rules, this picture wouldn't be here, and I'm quite proud of it. Like the first subje...

Decade Day

ISO: 800 APERTURE: 3.5 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/50 LENS: 17-50 In the midst of me trying to hurry in order to get photos for the decade day spirit day, I ran to the bandhall to get people that I knew dressed up. This photo was at a good angle, but all the black has no detail. It's just a mud hole. I have no idea what I could've done to correct that.  ISO: 800 APERTURE: 3.5 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/40 LENS: 17-50 I feel like this photo is good because she is sitting, but it's not in a cafeteria, and she's not eating. You can tell she's still dressed up which is the point of the assignment. I absolutely hate shooting spirit days because all the juniors pictures look the same. We have no idea how to get new and interesting images. All of them are people walking down a hallway or sitting in the cafeteria. Not only that, but the people that we shoot are all the same because there is a huge lapse in school spirit.