Golf Practice

 ISO: 800

I really enjoyed taking these shots. I did exactly what Smith told me to do; I got dirty and took a wide lens (17-50) under the golf ball. The way the lighting was made things awkward. I didn't have a flash, so my subject wasn't really lit well. I didn't know that I could break the cardinal rule of pop up flash, but now I do. I wish I could've gotten a good picture of her hitting the ball and having a good reaction, but I either got right before or right after. I sufficed for this. Of course I had to get help editing it, but I had to make everything as low as it would go on my histogram. Then I got the detail back in the sky. After I got my background fixed, I used the brush tool to lighten up my subject.

ISO: 800

I love this picture. The single thing I absolutely hate about this and want to give myself a good slap in the face for is the fact I cut off the club. This could've been so much better if the club was in the whole picture. Next time I shoot a practice I need to ask the golfers to keep doing this until I get the perfect shot. If I had a longer lens I could have gotten at a better angle to see her face.


  1. OOO GIRL! I love that top one! Way to get low! Those are the kinds of angles that win awards! BUT! It can always be better. Remember that!


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First Place ATPI Advanced Portfolio

Ashley Tyson Senior Pictures

Headshots: Carlie Clem