Shop with a Cop 2013- Texarkana, TX

   I was in charge of audio for Shop with a Cop. I was important for getting interviews with Target staff recorded along with some police officers to get how they felt about the event. These are what we based our video slide on. Kelsi also got audio, but she mainly got filler audio to put stills over.
   I had the lovely task of editing the video. That was a grande mistake. This was so stressful. We did it on the laptop so all during break Carlie had the laptop, and I was unable to obtain it. When we got back from break I finally got the laptop, but it didn't have the pictures on it. So, during class I had to hound the class until they all moved their photos over to the "Shop with a Cop" folder. Once that was done, I had to move them from the Drobo to the laptop desktop so that I could take the laptop home and work on it. First, I did the audio slide where I took clips from the interviews and sounds that Kelsi and I recorded and pieced them together to tell a story. I made it about three minutes long, and that became the basis for the video. I rendered that and saved it to the desktop.
   After the audio was finished, I fished through to find the best pictures that were taken from our photographers and put them in iMovie. The next part was tedious and the hardest. There were so many good pictures! It was hard to delete them. Then, I had to fit them to help tell the story with the audio. I started from the beginning of the audio and fit things and adjusted the time of the stills. I played through it three times and every single time it had something wrong, but I didn't understand how! I brought it to Smith and asked him and he helped me fix it. Finally, things lined up and my last task was Kens burning the images. After that was finished I re-rendered it and uploaded the video to YouTube.
   Of course, that didn't work. (Nothing ever ends up working the way it should!) SO, I had to serenader the audio, put it in the video and re-render the video and upload it again. Viola!



First Place ATPI Advanced Portfolio

Ashley Tyson Senior Pictures

Headshots: Carlie Clem