Track Team Picture

ISO: 160

This photo almost didn't happen. I got up to the school extremely early before track practice and I didn't even have first period that day. The girls didn't realize the pictures were going to be taken on the track so they never met me down there. Thank goodness someone came to check. It was really cold and some girls weren't wearing their uniform so the coach told them they would not be pictured. I had to do this on my own so I learned to be more assertive and bossy. I had to place the girls in the rows and move people so I could see everyone. It was great because the coaches made them actually listen to me. Then I had a 70-200, so I had to back up pretty far and shoot at 200. I thought this picture, for my first group picture alone, ended up excellent. I didn't get any complaints on it!



First Place ATPI Advanced Portfolio

Ashley Tyson Senior Pictures

Headshots: Carlie Clem