Christmas Photos

I took these pictures Christmas day around an iced over puddle. The only regret I have is not trying to utilize my ISO at 100 or 200 because now I don't know what they would've turned out like. These were my favorites. ISO: 400 APERTURE: 5.6 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/4000 This is ice that my brother threw and it shattered. I thought is looked pretty because of the light, and it reminded me of glass. I tried to blind shoot this so that I didn't have to get a boring angle from above looking straight down on it. This helped with the light. ISO: 400 APERTURE: 5.6 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/250 I thought this was a neat picture because the leaf is frosted, but the grass around it is green. I got down on eye level to see it. You can see the detail in the frost and leaf, but all the grass is out of focus. ISO: 400 APERTURE: 5.6 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/1000 The ice had neat indents in it, and I wanted to get neat pictures of them. I tried putting my camera as close t...