
Showing posts from May, 2015

Playing with Opacity

I was really bored in class, and I knew I needed blogs, so I tried to recreate an image. It ended up coming out completely different and not SUPER modified from the original photo. I plan to recreate the original inspiration that didn't happen today, but this is what endlessly changing my mind came up with. I wanted to play with opacity and make the layers seamlessly flow in Photoshop. This is what ended up coming out of my fourth period class today.

Lily's 2 YO

I was asked to take 2 year old pictures for my cousin, Lily. We had the plans for multiple weeks, but the weather was not cooperative. It stormed every day we planned to take these, so we jumped on the opportunity to take these as soon as the sun came out and dried things up. We took them behind Hardy Memorial UMC, in their field. This was the same place I had taken Kaitlyn Markham's drill team pictures. It was ridiculously sunny, and she was wearing white, so the circumstances weren't all the best, but her mom just wanted something she could have as a keepsake. ISO: 400 APERTURE: 4.0 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/2500 I just kind of let her roam around and pick flowers because there's really no way to happily control a two year old for pictures. I think they worked out, though. 

My Plans

This blog is not technically related to my actual photography, but after we had our publications' awards banquet, I think that I should follow up with where I'm continuing my education and how my photography will be working after this semester ends and I leave my photography program.  I have accepted two internships this summer through my church, Hardy Memorial UMC and ALT magazine in Texarkana. I will work these through the summer until I move into my dorm at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, August 14. I have emailed about becoming a part of the school's newspaper staff as a staff writer or photographer, but have not received any information back yet. I'm going to study education and receive a teaching certificate upon graduation where I hope to become a journalism adviser. I would also like to take on an internship in Belton with a photography studio or local newspaper. 

Sharon Jacobus Memorial Scholarship

I attended the Texas High Publications' banquet tonight, and while I was being recognized for my awards I had won through various contests this year, it was announced by my adviser that I had won the Sharon Jacobus Memorial scholarship. There is only one winner, and the awarded amount is $500.  I was required to send in a cover sheet, an essay over the teacher that has inspired me to pursue teaching, a letter of recommendation from my adviser and a portfolio consisting of five images. These were the five that I entered from my portfolio that won the ATPI fall contest.

Online Portfolio

I created an online portfolio of my work to showcase my photography, design, and video skills and experience. I used this portfolio to look for internships this summer and received one with ALT magazine in Texarkana. I'm very thankful for this internship, and I'm very thankful that I'll be receiving my own camera for graduation from my mother.  This is the link to my portfolio which also links back to this blog, my references and resume.

Pinhole Camera

I decided to make a pinhole camera out of my DSLR after using my Holga camera with my adviser. I found a DIY online to make a pinhole "lens" out of a DSLR body cap.  First I drilled a clean hole through the center of the cap, then I had to cut a piece of aluminum from a can in a square and clean it. Then, Make a tiny hole in the center and clean it again. I placed the pinhole in the drilled in hole on the body cap and placed adhesive on it. After it dried, I put tape around it to secure it. Lastly, I painted it black so that light on this inside wouldn't mess up the image.  This is the end result:  Since I didn't make this very precise, and I sort of just made it in a hurry, it could've turned out a lot better. Maybe had a spray painted the inside a flat black it would've worked a little better, and I slightly think I may have made the pinhole too big because the focus is a little off. Otherwise, I'm very pleased for having done this myse...

Faces of the Game- Chelsea Slider

In the May print issue of newspaper, we featured Chelsea Slider for softball. I went after school to the softball fields and met with Chelsea. Originally, we were going to take a photo of her batting, but I thought a more interesting picture would be of her sliding into the base. I'm aware that it is illegal for girls to slide head first into home, but there weren't any other bases on the field, and for the sake of the picture it looked better.  ISO: 160 APERTURE: 13 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/200 I had two 600 flashes, one on camera and one set off to my right, both pointed at the home plate. I set the on camera flash into master and the off camera flash to slave, both in ETTL. I used settings like I would normally use in the studio, which kills the ambient light so that the flash would be picked up. I had the subject slide only about three times and this was the last take. A problem that we ran into is that the ground was very wet, so instead of dirt, there was thick, so...

May Issue- In Depth

ISO: 160 APERTURE: 13 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/200 This is the May issue of Tiger Times. My photo was used in the design for the double truck. I ended up in the studio on a white background with two bees lighting the background just like a high key set up. They were between 1/4 and 1/2 power. The parabolic flash was catty corner the subject to create a shadow and was also between a 1/4 and 1/8 power setting. The subject is not naked, but she did have to tuck in the straps of her undergarments. The point of the picture is that the article is about eating disorders and the subject looks sickly small. The shadows help show how tiny she is and the veins in her hands.