No Shave November Time Lapse

In class I had to create a time lapse picture of Conor Diggs for online newspaper. I didn't know how I was going to do that, so Smith and I decided to make a gif file. Oh, cool! That'll be fun and a new experience! No. It wasn't. Gifs are the worst file type to ever create. First off, I screwed up from the beginning, because I took every picture with a different camera. (Credit for at least using the same lens in every picture.) 
First, I took all the images individually and renamed them in the order they needed to appear chronologically. I got on YouTube and tried to find a video about how to create an animated gif in Adobe Photoshop CS6. After I cheated and used the 'levels' to touch up exposures and merged the edits, I selected window>timeline and inserted new frames from layers. I had to make sure they were all proportional, but because I edited them on different computers, they were different file sizes. I used command+T and held shift to not distort the images. 
Then, I saved it for the web. I made sure to save as a PDF and GIF file types so that I can always go back and edit them. 
To view the file I pulled up safari and Command+O then selected the file.



First Place ATPI Advanced Portfolio

Ashley Tyson Senior Pictures

Headshots: Carlie Clem