Day 1: 7-29-13

Today was the first day I have ever picked up a camera and actually admitted that I didn't know what I was doing which was a good thing. Tons of elements that I didn't even know existed were brought to my attention. ISO, Aperture (Depth of Field), and Shutter Speed were the first three main focuses.

My biggest problem with ISO is remembering when to adjust it. We learned that outside we should start at 800 then proceed down if necessary. On the other hand, if it's a sunny day like today was, then a good starting point would generally be 100/200-ish. I need to get into the habit of being more aware of my surroundings when I enter a new room or space.

Having heard the word "aperture" before in band, I come to find it means something completely different in the world of photography. It's the closing and opening in the lens. APPARENTLY, Depth of Field is a sub-point in aperture. That refers to the focus; whether the focus is really shallow or deep.

Shutter Speed was alongside ISO on my "Get Better At This" list. It's so simple to forget.

Things to remember:

  • You'll get your hand slapped if you don't handle equipment (lens) correctly.
  • DO NOT lose lens caps
  • DO NOT touch the inside of the lens, BUT SO HELP YOU IF YOU DO, DO NOT touch it anymore!
  • Get dirty if you have to



First Place ATPI Advanced Portfolio

Ashley Tyson Senior Pictures

Headshots: Carlie Clem