Adventures in Web Design & SEO
Let's Goooooo! Did you know when you work for a nonprofit that you wear all the hats? #TheMoreYouKnow. While I served as the Marketing and Development Manager at the Ellen Noel Art Museum in Odessa, Texas, I took it upon myself to gift the Museum with a newly branded webpage. Why? Because I'm a glutton for punishment, apparently. All jokes aside, I wanted to leave my mark on the position. The museum was in the middle of a large capital campaign for a renovation to the building, and our web presence did not reflect all the amazing things happening. It was a SquareSpace site, and was not being updated. For context, there was so much turnover in the position managing the webpage and everyone on staff always had access to it, so it definitely looked like everyone had been posting to it. It was very hard to navigate how to make corrections because it had been hodgepodged by so many people until it was almost impossible to figure out how to do anything with it. Not to menti...