
Showing posts from January, 2015

Ashley Tyson Senior Pictures

These are a sneak peek at Ashley Tyson's senior photos. These were all shot downtown in Jefferson, TX. She happens to be my best friend, and I had our other best friend, Kelsi Brinkmeyer, with us to help light and assist. We all worked really well together because we gel and bounce ideas off each other. Kelsi is a phenomenal photographer, so I was glad to have her with us.  ISO: 400 APERTURE: 4.0 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/1250 ISO: 400 APERTURE: 4.0 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/1250 ISO: 400 APERTURE: 4.0 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/1250 ISO: 400 APERTURE: 4.0 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/1250 ISO: 400 APERTURE: 4.0 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/1250 ISO: 400 APERTURE: 4.0 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/1250 ISO: 400 APERTURE: 4.5 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/8000 ISO: 400 APERTURE: 4.5 SHUTTR SPEED: 1/8000 ISO: 400 APERTURE: 4.0 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/8000 ISO: 400 APERTURE: 4.0 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/8000 ISO: 400 APERTURE: 4.0 SHUTTER SPEED: 1/8000 ISO: 400 APERTURE: